
von | 29.Juli.2020 | Dies & Das, Poesie, Weisheiten | 0 Kommentare

Opposites attracted but did not last

Opposites had so much encounter contest

Too much to discuss

A solution was rarely found

Opposites were meant to build a common way

Different views should have been gone

Similarity was what I was looking for

You came into my Life

Like no one before

Your presence gave me the assumption of completing my goal

Coming together to skip the hole

Signs were always there I Just ignored

All my steps were going forward

Towards you I was assure

To handle all in an easy tour

Manners were obstacles to ignore

We were so much different

Like no one before?

There was a light of hope

That we will become

A team for the world – to run

Together we would have conquer the world and balance all

Jointly about to create our lives

Living together, happily ever after

What a joke!!

Contrarily we were just left

We did accept

No new world with you is ever possible

Never thought origins and upbringing would matter so much

Till I met us in combo as a duo

All the way we became

We were never suitable and enough

Just co-existing was not my desire

Just caught in the act of society

Being called together never felt so displaced

Far away from myself you were not what I was looking for

Not a little not ever

There is and was no love, affection and respect

Just fed up with us

To make a change

The world was my mother who taught us to suffer and tolerate

All for the sake of others

The surface shined

But behind all this were scars and different faces

Obstacles which could not be overcome

Disrespect, aggression and pain

I wanted to have a life lighter with you

Travelling around and get visiting though

Wanted an own family to grow

You just destroyed my ego

My nature and my priciples

My rules were clear

You just kept manipulating the cause

Everyday I could not go

I wanted to reveil all

But never was able to

I lost the connection to myself though

My family was shattered

I was and will be sure

Leaving you is my cure

So now Iam waiting and planning

Getting rid of you

So many days and moments of pain

Are about to heal

Whenever I got you out – once and for all !

My wounds will heal

My mind will relieve

I want to live as I was living before

Please my lord give me the strenght to success

Build me strong with my head and heart up straight and high

Dear friends pray for my exit

Dissociated from this


Copyright by Sonya Rana

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