Every day

von | 05.März.2019 | Liedtexte, Poesie | 3 Kommentare

Every day, I see you there

Ever day, I see you there

Sitting in the rain


Thousand people walk away

Thousand people Walk away

No-one feel your pain


Some day, I hope to see the sun

Some day, I hope to see the sun

Shining on your place



5/5 - (1 vote)

3 Kommentare

  1. Maja

    Hello Joisy,

    I liked your story a lot. I thought, maybe it is about unfortunate people or even the homeless. But you believe in them because they have a good heart and the future will have something good in store for them.

    Thanks for your poem


  2. Jonathan Walldorf

    Darf ich das als liedtext verwenden ?


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