WE are the girls

von | 29.Juli.2020 | Dies & Das, Poesie, Weisheiten | 0 Kommentare

We are THE girls

We are the girls, who live in-between,

who understand others views

sometimes losing ourselves,

to come back.

In-between ourselves, we are the girls

to be found.

We are the girls, who fell in-between cracks

We are the girls, who fell in-between two country maps

in-between East and West.

We are the girls, who were raised up as a mixture

We are the girls, who can adapt cultures, languages, colours

and oceans.

We are the girls, who are blessed and cursed


at the same time.

We are the girls, who are meant to be adjusted just


in all borders and cracks.

We are the girls, who cannot decide


We are the girls, who cannot be the one


the other.


 Copyright by Sonya Rana

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