Who the hell are you?

von | 29.Juli.2020 | Dies & Das, Poesie, Weisheiten | 0 Kommentare

Who the hell are you – to judge me?

Who the hell are you – to discourage me?

Who the hell you think you are – to tell me what is right and wrong in my life?

I tell you – you were a friend, someone I trusted – once.

I tell you – I was there for you and accepted your path.

I never judged you for following your heart

You just turned around like a stranger after encountering.

You did not reflect or asked what does happened

you just conclused by yourself and wanted to be the center of attention

Some issues and situations are extraordinary

and in these we humans should be side by side

should try to give a shoulder try to cope with each other

Some friends surprised me in these crucial times positively

so that they took notice and showed a heart

and you my friend were not there, you dissapeard from time to time

and never came back again

So Iam standing again here – explained myself

that this is life like it should be – maybe.

 Copyright by Sonya Rana

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